Recnetly, I was very confused. I really don't know who I can is uncertain and elusive. Huh... I don't know what you're thinking, but i just want to say...I was hurt seriously this time. I still can't accept that all the things may be changed...
Today I went to see The Hunger Games at the theater!! that's fantastic~(i haven't read the fiction before)some people said the fiction was better.....maybe, after midterm exam and if i had time...i would see the fiction!:)
我多麼羨慕你 總可以 轉身飛 遠遠的
我的愛是你 沉重行李 絆住你追新夢的決心
我多麼想念你 當時間 都失去了意義 穿越思念
後 等成信箱
讓你需要的時候可以 投遞
宮崎駿(1941年1月5日-)是一位知名日本動畫導演、動畫師及漫畫家,他曾經使用的筆名包括秋津三朗(假名:あきつ さぶろう)[註 1]與照樹務(平假名:てれこむ),目前他住在埼玉縣所澤市。宮崎駿畢業於自杉並區立永福小學校、杉並區立大宮中學校、東京都立豊多摩高等學校及學習院大學政治經濟學部。