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研究生: 沈柏君
研究生(外文): PoChun Shen
指導教授: 魯貴顯
指導教授(外文): Lu, Guei-hsien
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
系所名稱: 歐洲研究所
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 外語教育
外文關鍵詞: foreign language
linguistic skills
initial training
in-service training
European Community Actions
In present-day Europe, the acquisition of language skills by European citizens has become a prerequisite for full-fledged participation in the new professional and personal opportunities open to them. Fully aware of how important knowledge of foreign languages has become, the European Parliament and the Council, following a proposal by the European Commission, have declared that 2001 should be the “European Year of Languages".
Faced with the challenge of acquiring proficiency in foreign languages, European education systems have made every effort to respond to the wide variety of associated demands, All young Europeans attend school and, for many of them, this is where they are most likely to acquire linguistic skills. It is thus important to examine those aspects of the education system which are conducive to language proficiency among children at school.
The urgency and importance of these matters for policy-makers and administrators in the area of teacher training vary from one country to the next. To comply with the new requirements, adjustments need to be made to initial and in-service teacher training systems. The process depends on a number of factors, which vary in accordance with the history, culture and economic structures of the countries in question.
This thesis is divided into six chapters as follows:
B.Historical Background; Key events that had an impact on the development of foreign language teaching today are summarized in this chapter;
C.Foreign Language Curricula and the Organization of Teaching; It focuses on features of the documents that contain foreign language curricula.
D.Professional Qualifications and Training of Teachers; The initial training and the in-service training of teachers.
E.Evaluation of the language teaching in the European Union; It includes the European Community Actions and the initiatives of language learning.
4. 看不如說,說不如寫
5. 圖書館資料庫
6. google資料庫
研究生: 沈柏君
研究生(外文): PoChun Shen
指導教授: 魯貴顯
指導教授(外文): Lu, Guei-hsien
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
系所名稱: 歐洲研究所
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 外語教育
外文關鍵詞: foreign language
linguistic skills
initial training
in-service training
European Community Actions
In present-day Europe, the acquisition of language skills by European citizens has become a prerequisite for full-fledged participation in the new professional and personal opportunities open to them. Fully aware of how important knowledge of foreign languages has become, the European Parliament and the Council, following a proposal by the European Commission, have declared that 2001 should be the “European Year of Languages".
Faced with the challenge of acquiring proficiency in foreign languages, European education systems have made every effort to respond to the wide variety of associated demands, All young Europeans attend school and, for many of them, this is where they are most likely to acquire linguistic skills. It is thus important to examine those aspects of the education system which are conducive to language proficiency among children at school.
The urgency and importance of these matters for policy-makers and administrators in the area of teacher training vary from one country to the next. To comply with the new requirements, adjustments need to be made to initial and in-service teacher training systems. The process depends on a number of factors, which vary in accordance with the history, culture and economic structures of the countries in question.
This thesis is divided into six chapters as follows:
B.Historical Background; Key events that had an impact on the development of foreign language teaching today are summarized in this chapter;
C.Foreign Language Curricula and the Organization of Teaching; It focuses on features of the documents that contain foreign language curricula.
D.Professional Qualifications and Training of Teachers; The initial training and the in-service training of teachers.
E.Evaluation of the language teaching in the European Union; It includes the European Community Actions and the initiatives of language learning.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………1
第二節 研究方法與研究範圍……………………………………3
第三節 研究限制…………………………………………………4
第四節 相關概念的界定與名詞解釋……………………………5
第五節 論文架構與脈絡…………………………………………9
第二章 語言教育發展之背景
第一節 歐盟部分國家的語言背景簡介…………………………12
第二節 歐盟外語教育重要改革之回顧…………………………19
第三節 從1970年代至今改革的主要目的與範圍……………..32
第三章 外語課程與各國教學情況概述
第一節 外語課程的主要特色…………………………………..42
第二節 外語課程的內容分析……………………………………45
第三節 監督課程執行的機制……………………………………51
第四節 各國外語教學情況簡介…………………………………54
第四章 教師的專業資格與訓練
第一節 初等教育階段外語教師的專業資格……………………61
第二節 外語教師的初始訓練…………………………………..66
第三節 外語教師的在職訓練…………………………………..74
第五章 歐盟語言教育制度的評估
第一節 歐盟語言相關活動總覽………………………………..83
第二節 歐盟語言教育的特色…………………………………..88
第三節 推廣語言教育的措施與困境…………………………..98
第四節 歐盟語言教育的趨勢與展望………………………….104
第六章 結論……………………………….108
1. 看不如說,說不如寫
2. 圖書館資料庫
3. google資料庫
研究生: 沈柏君
研究生(外文): PoChun Shen
指導教授: 魯貴顯
指導教授(外文): Lu, Guei-hsien
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
系所名稱: 歐洲研究所
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 外語教育
外文關鍵詞: foreign language
linguistic skills
initial training
in-service training
European Community Actions
In present-day Europe, the acquisition of language skills by European citizens has become a prerequisite for full-fledged participation in the new professional and personal opportunities open to them. Fully aware of how important knowledge of foreign languages has become, the European Parliament and the Council, following a proposal by the European Commission, have declared that 2001 should be the “European Year of Languages".
Faced with the challenge of acquiring proficiency in foreign languages, European education systems have made every effort to respond to the wide variety of associated demands, All young Europeans attend school and, for many of them, this is where they are most likely to acquire linguistic skills. It is thus important to examine those aspects of the education system which are conducive to language proficiency among children at school.
The urgency and importance of these matters for policy-makers and administrators in the area of teacher training vary from one country to the next. To comply with the new requirements, adjustments need to be made to initial and in-service teacher training systems. The process depends on a number of factors, which vary in accordance with the history, culture and economic structures of the countries in question.
This thesis is divided into six chapters as follows:
B.Historical Background; Key events that had an impact on the development of foreign language teaching today are summarized in this chapter;
C.Foreign Language Curricula and the Organization of Teaching; It focuses on features of the documents that contain foreign language curricula.
D.Professional Qualifications and Training of Teachers; The initial training and the in-service training of teachers.
E.Evaluation of the language teaching in the European Union; It includes the European Community Actions and the initiatives of language learning.
4. 看不如說,說不如寫
5. 圖書館資料庫
6. google資料庫
研究生: 沈柏君
研究生(外文): PoChun Shen
指導教授: 魯貴顯
指導教授(外文): Lu, Guei-hsien
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
系所名稱: 歐洲研究所
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 外語教育
外文關鍵詞: foreign language
linguistic skills
initial training
in-service training
European Community Actions
In present-day Europe, the acquisition of language skills by European citizens has become a prerequisite for full-fledged participation in the new professional and personal opportunities open to them. Fully aware of how important knowledge of foreign languages has become, the European Parliament and the Council, following a proposal by the European Commission, have declared that 2001 should be the “European Year of Languages".
Faced with the challenge of acquiring proficiency in foreign languages, European education systems have made every effort to respond to the wide variety of associated demands, All young Europeans attend school and, for many of them, this is where they are most likely to acquire linguistic skills. It is thus important to examine those aspects of the education system which are conducive to language proficiency among children at school.
The urgency and importance of these matters for policy-makers and administrators in the area of teacher training vary from one country to the next. To comply with the new requirements, adjustments need to be made to initial and in-service teacher training systems. The process depends on a number of factors, which vary in accordance with the history, culture and economic structures of the countries in question.
This thesis is divided into six chapters as follows:
B.Historical Background; Key events that had an impact on the development of foreign language teaching today are summarized in this chapter;
C.Foreign Language Curricula and the Organization of Teaching; It focuses on features of the documents that contain foreign language curricula.
D.Professional Qualifications and Training of Teachers; The initial training and the in-service training of teachers.
E.Evaluation of the language teaching in the European Union; It includes the European Community Actions and the initiatives of language learning.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………1
第二節 研究方法與研究範圍……………………………………3
第三節 研究限制…………………………………………………4
第四節 相關概念的界定與名詞解釋……………………………5
第五節 論文架構與脈絡…………………………………………9
第二章 語言教育發展之背景
第一節 歐盟部分國家的語言背景簡介…………………………12
第二節 歐盟外語教育重要改革之回顧…………………………19
第三節 從1970年代至今改革的主要目的與範圍……………..32
第三章 外語課程與各國教學情況概述
第一節 外語課程的主要特色…………………………………..42
第二節 外語課程的內容分析……………………………………45
第三節 監督課程執行的機制……………………………………51
第四節 各國外語教學情況簡介…………………………………54
第四章 教師的專業資格與訓練
第一節 初等教育階段外語教師的專業資格……………………61
第二節 外語教師的初始訓練…………………………………..66
第三節 外語教師的在職訓練…………………………………..74
第五章 歐盟語言教育制度的評估
第一節 歐盟語言相關活動總覽………………………………..83
第二節 歐盟語言教育的特色…………………………………..88
第三節 推廣語言教育的措施與困境…………………………..98
第四節 歐盟語言教育的趨勢與展望………………………….104
第六章 結論……………………………….108
