Jan 2nd 2012
Dear Diary,
Woke up and went to buy breakfast outside the dormitory. Slept for the 早自修 cause I was so tired. During Patrick's french class, we had to slip up into 4s for the French oral test this Thursday. I got Loïc, Béatrice & Léa. We had a test for Deborah's English class. During Chinese class we got to have our own free time. Yes!! At about 11:30 me and Vriginie wen to 66 Hamburger to have lunch with Patrick. It was his treat. :))
Richard's class, we had a test, after finishing it i fell asleep :P I got 84 i think? Waaaa.
Then during 國防 class we watched a movie. Forgot the title. Sumthin about the future, how the future people will suck because of the sucky ppl now.
After school finished we discussed about the French oral test and wrote down the script. After that i called Trista and went to eat with her at the cafeteria. Then we had a long walk around the 操場 talkin about stuff like how I envy her to have so many friends and stuff. How Shena is so good with jokes and ppl. About the problem with Hobbits & Joyce( they are like a couple so it doesn't feel good sticking with them all day). After talkin about that i felt kinda relieved. But still, I think Trista doesn't take me as her good friend yet :P
I miss the feeling of home. The feeling of the bed i used to sleep on for so many years and never have a bad feeling of what bad stuff is coming tomorrow, no headaches, no stress just...you know. I feel like I am losing it. I am losing the foreign attitude. I don't wanna talk and do stuff like a Taiwanese!! But i can't help it cause I'm kinda getting adapted to it now... sheit... Anywayz FIGHTING LUNNY!! :))
Woke up and went to buy breakfast outside the dormitory. Slept for the 早自修 cause I was so tired. During Patrick's french class, we had to slip up into 4s for the French oral test this Thursday. I got Loïc, Béatrice & Léa. We had a test for Deborah's English class. During Chinese class we got to have our own free time. Yes!! At about 11:30 me and Vriginie wen to 66 Hamburger to have lunch with Patrick. It was his treat. :))
Richard's class, we had a test, after finishing it i fell asleep :P I got 84 i think? Waaaa.
Then during 國防 class we watched a movie. Forgot the title. Sumthin about the future, how the future people will suck because of the sucky ppl now.
After school finished we discussed about the French oral test and wrote down the script. After that i called Trista and went to eat with her at the cafeteria. Then we had a long walk around the 操場 talkin about stuff like how I envy her to have so many friends and stuff. How Shena is so good with jokes and ppl. About the problem with Hobbits & Joyce( they are like a couple so it doesn't feel good sticking with them all day). After talkin about that i felt kinda relieved. But still, I think Trista doesn't take me as her good friend yet :P
I miss the feeling of home. The feeling of the bed i used to sleep on for so many years and never have a bad feeling of what bad stuff is coming tomorrow, no headaches, no stress just...you know. I feel like I am losing it. I am losing the foreign attitude. I don't wanna talk and do stuff like a Taiwanese!! But i can't help it cause I'm kinda getting adapted to it now... sheit... Anywayz FIGHTING LUNNY!! :))