沒那個屁股 跟人家做那個馬桶
: what can you learn from a junkie?
: a lot of new words/vocabularies, apparently.
: why physical pain but not emotional pain?
: coze she is the outcome of all that products.
we should have been born swapped. A pair of green eyes can never cross a pair of red, or them together will turn out yellow flu.
: pathetic. what's so fun to watch people struggle 看了心情不好,不看有罪惡感,那位諮商心理師可以解讀一下是什麼梗?
: The Show Pony keeps me sane
: I can see how drugs help him keep up confidence
: a lot of new words/vocabularies, apparently.
: why physical pain but not emotional pain?
: coze she is the outcome of all that products.
we should have been born swapped. A pair of green eyes can never cross a pair of red, or them together will turn out yellow flu.
: pathetic. what's so fun to watch people struggle 看了心情不好,不看有罪惡感,那位諮商心理師可以解讀一下是什麼梗?
: The Show Pony keeps me sane
: I can see how drugs help him keep up confidence