Celebrating Christmas and trying to spend some more time with each other, the Hsiao family decided to hike up Duli Mountain, which is only a 20 minute car drive from their home(It's like their backyard!)
This post documents the hard summit and the spectacular scenery that awaited at the end. Nothing feels better than enjoying challenges together with family!
為了慶祝聖誕節及多多與家人相聚,於26日一起去爬家裡附近了獨立山。這相簿紀錄著艱辛的攻頂過程成,及最後的絕佳景觀 。沒有甚麼比與家人一起享受及度過挑戰還要更美好!
Duli Mountain(Dulishan) is located in Chiayi County, Taiwan, very close to the famed Alishan(阿里山). In fact, the Alishan railway actually passes through Duli Mountain before heading on towards Alishan. To get to the trail, hikers must drive through some small country roads, so it's not exactly the easiest place to access.
Dense jungle terrain are the first impressions of the mountain
Chiayi City in the far left and Duli Mountain in bright green on the far right corner.
Misty clouds and foggy weather awaited us as we drove up a portion of the mountain. Parking our car on this slope, we packed everything we needed and started walking! I haven't hiked for eons and eons, so immediately I could feel a slight ache as the cold weather and steep uphill climb start to take it's toll.
The roads stop here and the hiking starts here
Mom in front, then father, brother Eric and Eric's girlfriend, Shirley
Some parts of the hiking trail involved makeshift bamboo boards to keep from slipping
Bamboo Forests
Captured this photo just in time!
All around us, birds were chirping and insects crooning. It really felt good to be close to nature after months in the concrete jungle(e.g. Kaohsiung), and the air was a sharp contrast too; fresh, relaxing and liberating!
I can't believe this place is merely a 20-minute car drive away from my Chiayi home!
我們周遭處處可聽到鳥叫聲及蟲鳴聲。在水泥叢林(高雄)待久後,能這麼接近大自然真的是個美好的事物。空氣也是個強烈的對比,在這裡,空氣是 新鮮、讓人大放鬆、又有身心解放的感受。
Walking up the steep slopes is no easy feat!
Lulu, our dear golden retriever, also joined us for the challenge!
Old Railway Station:
Breathtaking scenery waited for us seemingly at every turn. I was by now sweating profusely even though the weather was less than 10C, and thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet of the place.
This trail and railway has existed since the Japanese era, and it's no surprise why this area was developed. Just look at the scenery and it's close proximity to Alishan and its timber resources!
In fact, Dulishan is also famed for it's spiral-shaped railway tracks as it follows the local terrain.
There actually also exists a mini railway station here! However, it has ceased operation since last August, when Typhoon Morakot ravaged the mountain areas of Taiwan and severely damaged the railway tracks that run through this area to Alishan. What actually happens is people who want to get to Alishan by train actually have to climb up the mountain to the other side of the tracks to continue on their train journey!
The old railway tracks beside the station
breathtaking views along the trail
Old Bridge:
When you come across the old bridge, you know you're halfway there already! "Jiayou!"
I don't exactly know the background of this bridge, but it certainly does look old, and the misty fog adds a surreal atmosphere around the whole place. I can almost imagine how Japanese soldiers decades ago must have felt when they started exploring the mountains and came across an arrow or two. Visibility was quite restricted by this point.
當你遇到這座橋時,妳就知道妳已經過一半了,加油!我不知道此橋的來歷,但是濃濃的霧產生了一種神秘的效果。似乎可以想像幾十年前日軍到此時可能有的感受,尤其是當遇到一些突來的箭! 這裡的能見度相當受限!
Old Bridge across a small creek
Family Portrait.Except for one person...
The mountains across the beautiful valley
"Turning Point"
Hiking Continued:
Climbing started again after our rest at the old bridge, and knowing that we are about to get to the top, I started to hum and play around with my camera. Our cut dog Lulu started doing "her business" and the "couples" around me starting holding hands. Life could not get any better than this.
Well-built and well maintained hiking trails
Just look how steep this track is!
Resting Stop
Mom in her best pose yet.
Occasionally we would come up to hikers returning instead of going
Fongtien Temple and Lunch:
On top of the mountain is the Fongtien Temple. There is nothing out of the ordinary about this temple of this peak(breathtaking views otherwise), except their very unique services here:
Seeing that many hikers like have their lunch and enjoy their tea after reaching the summit, the temple actually provides free chairs, tables, pots, pans , stoves, utensils, hot water, kitchens, teapots for everyone to use. Yes, it's all FREE!
There is of course a small donation box in front of the temple, and I think this actually brings in more money than if they had charged for all those things.First there is no set donation price, so no-body knows how much to donate. "moral incentives" from the book "Freakonomics" and you will understand why.
在山頂有一座廟宇,奉天宮。這座廟沒有甚麼特別起眼的地方(除了絕佳的視野景觀),只是祂有一項非常特別的服務: 由於許多登山客攻頂後喜歡在這煮東西吃及泡泡茶,廟與提供了免費的桌、椅、鍋子、炒菜鍋、茶壺、瓦斯爐、廚房、冷熱水、 餐具、等餐具給所有人免費使用。對的,免費!
當然,廟宇前面有一座捐款箱。我想這當然會比廟宇人員如果收錢的話帶來更多的錢。首先沒有固定的價目,再者請讀Freakonomics裡的"Moral incentives"就知道為什麼!
Fong Tien Temple
FongTien Temple
Delicious Food and hungry stomachs mix well
"山蘇" "龍鬚菜"
Barbequed Pork
Landscape 景觀 :
No words can describe the beauty, so I'll bring you directly to the pictures:

Directions and other Info:
![]() | 05-2630392 |
![]() | 無 |
![]() | 1.省道:台三省道→梅山→嘉162甲縣道→太平,至太平飯店前右轉五公里→紅南坑。 2.省道:台三省道→竹崎東轉→嘉122號道五公里至松腳→或於松腳貞武廟牌左轉再開三公里→樟腦寮。 |
![]() | 公車:可搭乘嘉義縣營公車松腳線,在松腳下車。 火車:搭阿里山森林鐵路於樟腦寮站下,往回走即可。 That's it for today, hope you enjoyed the post! |
