

Wuthering Heights
written by Emily Bronte 1101300136 謝文淇 Wendy

Mr.Earnshaw and Mrs. Earnshaw lived in Wuthering Heights. They had a son and a daughter. They were Hindley Earnshaw and Catherine Earnshaw. Heathcliff was their adopted son.

At first, Hindley hated Heathcliff very much. He thought a boy came from another place could not share the love from his parents. He played tricks on Heathcliff all the time. His father protected Heathcliff when he was bullied by Hindley. That made Hindley hated him more and more. Catherine usually played with Heathcliff when she was bored so she did not hate Heathcliff as same as her brother. Heathcliff and Catherine had been together for a long time, they became to have tender feeling for each other.

One day, Catherine met Edgar Linton in Thrushcross Grange. After that day, She disliked and avoided Heathcliff. Then she agreed the propose marriage from Edgar Linton.
A day, Catherine was chatting with a servant. She told her that she was getting married with Edgar Linton. Unfortunately, the contents were heard by Heathcliff. Heathcliff was so sad and mad, that he runaway at a rainstorm day.

After Heathcliff left, Hindley married Frances. Hareton Earnshaw was their son. And Catherine Earnshaw married Edgar Linton. Then they had a daughter named ‘’Cathy Linton.’’

After a few years, Heathcliff came back to Wuthering Heights. And he became the owner of the Wuthering Heights. Hindley became Heathcliff’s slave, but he died because he could not accept Heathcliff’s back. And his Hareton became an adopted son of Heathcliff. When Heathcliff came back, Catherine knew that her true love was Heathcliff. Heathcliff changed a lot after he ran away from Wuthering Heights. He became enmity and he wanted to revenge on Hindley and Catherine. He married Isabella, the sister of Edgar Linton. Isabella misused by Heathcliff day by day. She could not endured so she left Heathcliff. Then she died in other places. Heathcliff misused his son after his wife went away and made him married with ‘’Cathy’’-Catherine and Edgar’s daughter. By the marriage, Heathcliff could get Thrushcross Grange-Edgar Linton’s tenure. Beside Thrushcross Grange, he could misused Cathy after Linton died. Catherine could not accepted the things that Heathcliff had done. She felt gloomy every day. Then she died because the childbirth.

Heathcliff succeed. His revenge had been successful but he did not feel happy after retaliated. At last, he died in his animosity.

Cathy and Hareton married after Heathcliff died. And they had a wonderful ending in Wuthering Heights.

新增時間 : 2012-12-23 23:58:30