

How to buy a digital camera

Digital photography keeps getting better. Higher resolution, more sophisticated controls, and better technology all make taking great pictures easier than ever.
Megapixels still matter a lot to digital camera shoppers, in part because manufacturers and retailers hype that specification above all others. If you're having a hard time figuring out which camera to buy, you may be tempted to make a decision based solely on megapixel count; that's why nearly all manufacturers print the number on the front of their cameras.
But a camera needs more than just a high pixel count to take great pictures, so pay attention to other features as well. A camera with no manual controls may take fabulous shots in bright sunlight, but lousy ones in more challenging situations.
Resolution: If you intend to take pictures only to email them to distant friends or to print at snapshot size, a camera of most any resolution will do. Even so, having more pixels gives you greater flexibility¬¬ – you can print sharper pictures at larger sizes, or crop and print small sections of pictures. These days most cameras offer a resolution of at least 4 megapixels, which is enough to make a sharp 11 x 17-inch print.
Size, weight, and design: To some users, how much a camera weighs and whether it fits in a pocket may be more important factors than resolution. We have tested cameras that weigh as much as 1.5kg and as little as 120g. Small cameras are convenient, but they frequently have tiny dials and buttons that make changing settings somewhat tiring.

新增時間 : 2012-12-31 04:26:53